Shanta Ganguly Dear admin is this relevant?
- Shanta Ganguly What is poetry to you,is a shitload of misogyny to me...
Therefore not finding it relevant!
Wiki page does not mean immortality unless in vast wastebin of internet!
Learn to pronounce
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.)
body shaming
the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size.
"she is not the only celebrity to speak up about body shaming"
expressing mockery or criticism about a person's body shape or size.
Subhadip Banerjee Shanta Ganguly এখানে মিসোজিনির পার্টিকুলার কোন জিনিস বা পয়েন্টগুলো পেলেন, জানালে বাধিত হব।
আমার দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি থেকে তো পেলাম না, যদি জানাতেন আনন্দিত হতুম।
আমার দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি থেকে তো পেলাম না, যদি জানাতেন আনন্দিত হতুম।
Shanta Ganguly My comment my perspective!
Granthik Banerjee Shanta Ganguly apni onake chenen? Do you know him?
Shanta Ganguly So
it should be acceptable if posted by a well-known person but will be
unacceptable if posted by Tom-Dick-Harry!If it is not bigotry....
He renders woman to a soulless body and objectifies to nothing better than a কোলবালিশ!
I don't think this material requires resurrection in today's world,where a large number of people suffer from body dysmorphia and eating disorders...
I have attracted negative comments previously by criticizing মেমসাহেব, sorry I don't think I shall ever learn the ways of sycophantic adulation which seems to be the norm of this learned group
He renders woman to a soulless body and objectifies to nothing better than a কোলবালিশ!
I don't think this material requires resurrection in today's world,where a large number of people suffer from body dysmorphia and eating disorders...
I have attracted negative comments previously by criticizing মেমসাহেব, sorry I don't think I shall ever learn the ways of sycophantic adulation which seems to be the norm of this learned group
Shirsa Banerjee
আপনার এই ক্ষভিতা-ও আমার ভাল্লাগে না। তাই রিপোর্ট মারছি।